Source code for pylj.forcefields

import numpy as np
from numba import jit

[docs]@jit def lennard_jones(dr, constants, force=False): r"""Calculate the energy or force for a pair of particles using the Lennard-Jones (A/B variant) forcefield. .. math:: E = \frac{A}{dr^{12}} - \frac{B}{dr^6} .. math:: f = \frac{12A}{dr^{13}} - \frac{6B}{dr^7} Parameters ---------- dr: float, array_like The distances between the all pairs of particles. constants: float, array_like An array of length two consisting of the A and B parameters for the 12-6 Lennard-Jones function force: bool (optional) If true, the negative first derivative will be found. Returns ------- float: array_like The potential energy or force between the particles. """ if force: return 12 * constants[0] * np.power(dr, -13) - ( 6 * constants[1] * np.power(dr, -7)) else: return constants[0] * np.power(dr, -12) - ( constants[1] * np.power(dr, -6))
[docs]@jit def lennard_jones_sigma_epsilon(dr, constants, force=False): r"""Calculate the energy or force for a pair of particles using the Lennard-Jones (sigma/epsilon variant) forcefield. .. math:: E = \frac{4e*a^{12}}{dr^{12}} - \frac{4e*a^{6}}{dr^6} .. math:: f = \frac{48e*a^{12}}{dr^{13}} - \frac{24e*a^{6}}{dr^7} Parameters ---------- dr: float, array_like The distances between the all pairs of particles. constants: float, array_like An array of length two consisting of the sigma (a) and epsilon (e) parameters for the 12-6 Lennard-Jones function force: bool (optional) If true, the negative first derivative will be found. Returns ------- float: array_like The potential energy or force between the particles. """ if force: return 48 * constants[1] * np.power(constants[0], 12) * np.power( dr, -13) - (24 * constants[1] * np.power( constants[0], 6) * np.power(dr, -7)) else: return 4 * constants[1] * np.power(dr, -12) - ( 4 * constants[1] * np.power(constants[0], 6) * np.power(dr, -6))
[docs]@jit def buckingham(dr, constants, force=False): r""" Calculate the energy or force for a pair of particles using the Buckingham forcefield. .. math:: E = Ae^{(-Bdr)} - \frac{C}{dr^6} .. math:: f = ABe^{(-Bdr)} - \frac{6C}{dr^7} Parameters ---------- dr: float, array_like The distances between all the pairs of particles. constants: float, array_like An array of length three consisting of the A, B and C parameters for the Buckingham function. force: bool (optional) If true, the negative first derivative will be found. Returns ------- float: array_like The potential energy or force between the particles. """ if force: return constants[0] * constants[1] * np.exp( - np.multiply(constants[1], dr)) - 6 * constants[2] / np.power( dr, 7) else: return constants[0] * np.exp( - np.multiply(constants[1], dr)) - constants[2] / np.power(dr, 6)
[docs]def square_well(dr, constants, max_val=np.inf, force=False): r'''Calculate the energy or force for a pair of particles using a square well model. .. math:: E = { if dr < sigma: E = max_val elif sigma <= dr < lambda * sigma: E = -epsilon elif r >= lambda * sigma: E = 0 } .. math:: f = { if sigma <= dr < lambda * sigma: f = inf else: f = 0 } Parameters ---------- dr: float, array_like The distances between all the pairs of particles. constants: float, array_like An array of length three consisting of the epsilon, sigma, and lambda parameters for the square well model. max_val: int (optional) Upper bound for values in square well - replaces usual infinite values force: bool (optional) If true, the negative first derivative will be found. Returns ------- float: array_like The potential energy between the particles. ''' if not isinstance(dr, np.ndarray): if isinstance(dr, list): dr = np.array(dr, dtype='float') elif isinstance(dr, float): dr = np.array([dr], dtype='float') if force: raise ValueError("Force is infinite at sigma <= dr < lambda * sigma") else: E = np.zeros_like(dr) E[np.where(dr < constants[0])] = max_val E[np.where(dr >= constants[2] * constants[1])] = 0 # apply mask for sigma <= dr < lambda * sigma a = constants[1] <= dr b = dr < constants[2] * constants[1] E[np.where(a & b)] = -constants[0] if len(E) == 1: return float(E[0]) else: return np.array(E, dtype='float')