Source code for

import numpy as np
from pylj import pairwise as heavy
from pylj import forcefields as ff
from numba import jit

[docs]def initialise( number_of_particles, temperature, box_length, init_conf, timestep_length=1e-14, mass=39.948, constants=[1.363e-134, 9.273e-78], forcefield=ff.lennard_jones, ): """Initialise the particle positions (this can be either as a square or random arrangement), velocities (based on the temperature defined, and calculate the initial forces/accelerations. Parameters ---------- number_of_particles: int Number of particles to simulate. temperature: float Initial temperature of the particles, in Kelvin. box_length: float Length of a single dimension of the simulation square, in Angstrom. init_conf: string, optional The way that the particles are initially positioned. Should be one of: - 'square' - 'random' timestep_length: float (optional) Length for each Velocity-Verlet integration step, in seconds. mass: float (optional) The mass of the particles being simulated. constants: float, array_like (optional) The values of the constants for the forcefield used. forcefield: function (optional) The particular forcefield to be used to find the energy and forces. Returns ------- System System information. """ from pylj import util system = util.System( number_of_particles, temperature, box_length, constants, forcefield, mass, init_conf=init_conf, timestep_length=timestep_length, ) v = np.random.rand(system.particles.size, 2, 12) v = np.sum(v, axis=2) - 6.0 mass_kg = mass * 1.6605e-27 v = v * np.sqrt(1.3806e-23 * system.init_temp / mass_kg) v = v - np.average(v) system.particles["xvelocity"] = v[:, 0] system.particles["yvelocity"] = v[:, 1] return system
[docs]def initialize( number_particles, temperature, box_length, init_conf, timestep_length=1e-14 ): """Maps to the md.initialise function to account for US english spelling. """ a = initialise( number_particles, temperature, box_length, init_conf, timestep_length ) return a
[docs]@jit def velocity_verlet( particles, timestep_length, box_length, cut_off, constants, forcefield, mass ): """Uses the Velocity-Verlet integrator to move forward in time. The Updates the particles positions and velocities in terms of the Velocity Verlet algorithm. Also calculates the instanteous temperature, pressure, and force and appends these to the appropriate system array. Parameters ---------- particles: util.particle_dt, array_like Information about the particles. timestep_length: float Length for each Velocity-Verlet integration step, in seconds. box_length: float Length of a single dimension of the simulation square, in Angstrom. Returns ------- util.particle_dt, array_like: Information about the particles, with new positions and velocities. """ xposition_store = list(particles["xposition"]) yposition_store = list(particles["yposition"]) pos, prev_pos = update_positions( [particles["xposition"], particles["yposition"]], [particles["xprevious_position"], particles["yprevious_position"]], [particles["xvelocity"], particles["yvelocity"]], [particles["xacceleration"], particles["yacceleration"]], timestep_length, box_length, ) [particles["xposition"], particles["yposition"]] = pos [particles["xprevious_position"], particles["yprevious_position"]] = pos xacceleration_store = list(particles["xacceleration"]) yacceleration_store = list(particles["yacceleration"]) particles, distances, forces, energies = heavy.compute_force( particles, box_length, cut_off, constants, forcefield, mass ) [particles["xvelocity"], particles["yvelocity"]] = update_velocities( [particles["xvelocity"], particles["yvelocity"]], [xacceleration_store, yacceleration_store], [particles["xacceleration"], particles["yacceleration"]], timestep_length, ) particles["xprevious_position"] = xposition_store particles["yprevious_position"] = yposition_store return particles, distances, forces, energies
[docs]def sample(particles, box_length, initial_particles, system): """Sample parameters of interest in the simulation. Parameters ---------- particles: util.particle_dt, array_like Information about the particles. box_length: float Length of a single dimension of the simulation square, in Angstrom. initial_particles: util.particle_dt, array-like Information about the initial particle conformation. system: System Details about the whole system Returns ------- System: Details about the whole system, with the new temperature, pressure, msd, and force appended to the appropriate arrays. """ temperature_new = calculate_temperature(particles, system.mass) system.temperature_sample = np.append(system.temperature_sample, temperature_new) pressure_new = heavy.calculate_pressure( particles, box_length, temperature_new, system.cut_off, system.constants, system.forcefield, ) msd_new = calculate_msd(particles, initial_particles, box_length) system.pressure_sample = np.append(system.pressure_sample, pressure_new) system.force_sample = np.append(system.force_sample, np.sum(system.forces)) system.energy_sample = np.append(system.energy_sample, np.sum(system.energies)) system.msd_sample = np.append(system.msd_sample, msd_new) return system
[docs]def calculate_msd(particles, initial_particles, box_length): """Determines the mean squared displacement of the particles in the system. Parameters ---------- particles: util.particle_dt, array_like Information about the particles. initial_particles: util.particle_dt, array_like Information about the initial state of the particles. box_length: float Size of the cell vector. Returns ------- float: Mean squared deviation for the particles at the given timestep. """ xpos = np.array(particles["xposition"]) ypos = np.array(particles["yposition"]) dxinst = xpos - particles["xprevious_position"] dyinst = ypos - particles["yprevious_position"] for i in range(0, particles["xposition"].size): if np.abs(dxinst[i]) > 0.5 * box_length: if xpos[i] <= 0.5 * box_length: particles["xpbccount"][i] += 1 if xpos[i] > 0.5 * box_length: particles["xpbccount"][i] -= 1 xpos[i] += box_length * particles["xpbccount"][i] if np.abs(dyinst[i]) > 0.5 * box_length: if ypos[i] <= 0.5 * box_length: particles["ypbccount"][i] += 1 if ypos[i] > 0.5 * box_length: particles["ypbccount"][i] -= 1 ypos[i] += box_length * particles["ypbccount"][i] dx = xpos - initial_particles["xposition"] dy = ypos - initial_particles["yposition"] dr = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) return np.average(dr ** 2)
[docs]def update_positions( positions, old_positions, velocities, accelerations, timestep_length, box_length ): """Update the particle positions using the Velocity-Verlet integrator. Parameters ---------- positions: (2, N) array_like Where N is the number of particles, and the first row are the x positions and the second row the y positions. old_positions: (2, N) array_like Where N is the number of particles, and the first row are the previous x positions and the second row are the y positions. velocities: (2, N) array_like Where N is the number of particles, and the first row are the x velocities and the second row the y velocities. accelerations: (2, N) array_like Where N is the number of particles, and the first row are the x accelerations and the second row the y accelerations. timestep_length: float Length for each Velocity-Verlet integration step, in seconds. box_length: float Length of a single dimension of the simulation square, in Angstrom. Returns ------- (2, N) array_like: Updated positions. """ old_positions[0] = np.array(positions[0]) old_positions[1] = np.array(positions[1]) positions[0] += (velocities[0] * timestep_length) + ( 0.5 * accelerations[0] * timestep_length * timestep_length ) positions[1] += (velocities[1] * timestep_length) + ( 0.5 * accelerations[1] * timestep_length * timestep_length ) positions[0] = positions[0] % box_length positions[1] = positions[1] % box_length return [positions[0], positions[1]], [old_positions[0], old_positions[1]]
[docs]def update_velocities( velocities, accelerations_old, accelerations_new, timestep_length ): """Update the particle velocities using the Velocity-Verlet algoritm. Parameters ---------- velocities: (2, N) array_like Where N is the number of particles, and the first row are the x velocities and the second row the y velocities. accelerations: (2, N) array_like Where N is the number of particles, and the first row are the x accelerations and the second row the y accelerations. timestep_length: float Length for each Velocity-Verlet integration step, in seconds. Returns ------- (2, N) array_like: Updated velocities. """ velocities[0] += ( 0.5 * (accelerations_old[0] + accelerations_new[0]) * timestep_length ) velocities[1] += ( 0.5 * (accelerations_old[1] + accelerations_new[1]) * timestep_length ) return [velocities[0], velocities[1]]
[docs]def calculate_temperature(particles, mass): """Determine the instantaneous temperature of the system. Parameters ---------- particles: util.particle_dt, array_like Information about the particles. Returns ------- float: Calculated instantaneous simulation temperature. """ boltzmann_constant = 1.3806e-23 # joules/kelvin atomic_mass_unit = 1.660539e-27 # kilograms mass_kg = mass * atomic_mass_unit # kilograms v = np.sqrt( (particles["xvelocity"] * particles["xvelocity"]) + (particles["yvelocity"] * particles["yvelocity"]) ) k = 0.5 * np.sum(mass_kg * v * v) t = k / (particles.size * boltzmann_constant) return t
[docs]def compute_force(particles, box_length, cut_off, constants, forcefield, mass): r"""Calculates the forces and therefore the accelerations on each of the particles in the simulation. Parameters ---------- particles: util.particle_dt, array_like Information about the particles. box_length: float Length of a single dimension of the simulation square, in Angstrom. cut_off: float The distance greater than which the forces between particles is taken as zero. constants: float, array_like (optional) The constants associated with the particular forcefield used, e.g. for the function forcefields.lennard_jones, theses are [A, B] forcefield: function (optional) The particular forcefield to be used to find the energy and forces. mass: float (optional) The mass of the particle being simulated (units of atomic mass units). Returns ------- util.particle_dt, array_like Information about particles, with updated accelerations and forces. float, array_like Current distances between pairs of particles in the simulation. float, array_like Current forces between pairs of particles in the simulation. float, array_like Current energies between pairs of particles in the simulation. """ part, dist, forces, energies = heavy.compute_force( particles, box_length, cut_off, constants, forcefield, mass=mass ) return part, dist, forces, energies
[docs]def compute_energy(particles, box_length, cut_off, constants, forcefield): r"""Calculates the total energy of the simulation. Parameters ---------- particles: util.particle_dt, array_like Information about the particles. box_length: float Length of a single dimension of the simulation square, in Angstrom. cut_off: float The distance greater than which the energies between particles is taken as zero. constants: float, array_like (optional) The constants associated with the particular forcefield used, e.g. for the function forcefields.lennard_jones, theses are [A, B] forcefield: function (optional) The particular forcefield to be used to find the energy and forces. Returns ------- util.particle_dt, array_like Information about particles, with updated accelerations and forces. float, array_like Current distances between pairs of particles in the simulation. float, array_like Current energies between pairs of particles in the simulation. """ dist, energies = heavy.compute_energy( particles, box_length, cut_off, constants, forcefield ) return dist, energies
[docs]def heat_bath(particles, temperature_sample, bath_temperature): r"""Rescales the velocities of the particles in the system to control the temperature of the simulation. Thereby allowing for an NVT ensemble. The velocities are rescaled according the following relationship, .. math:: v_{\text{new}} = v_{\text{old}} \times \sqrt{\frac{T_{\text{desired}}}{\bar{T}}} Parameters ---------- particles: util.particle_dt, array_like Information about the particles. temperature_sample: float, array_like The temperature at each timestep in the simulation. bath_temp: float The desired temperature of the simulation. Returns ------- util.particle_dt, array_like Information about the particles with new, rescaled velocities. """ particles = heavy.heat_bath(particles, temperature_sample, bath_temperature) return particles